Abstract submission is now closed. Thank you for your submissions.
The scientific programme will consist of invited oral, contributed oral, and poster presentations. All contributed papers are to be submitted presuming poster presentation. From these the Scientific Programme Committee (SPC) will decide, on the basis of the abstracts, which papers are suitable for oral presentation.
Since no contributions are accepted for publication only, any work accepted for presentation, which is not presented at the conference, will be excluded from the proceedings. Furthermore, the SPC reserves the right to refuse for publication any work not properly presented in the poster sessions.
In order to maintain a high standard of proceedings and to keep them to a reasonable size, authors are reminded that only novel, original work should be submitted.
The conference proceedings will be published at the JACoW website.
We are committed to promoting scientific standards and the high quality publication of results. We therefore introduce at IPAC17 a pilot refereeing process, offering an intermediate level of publication, between a non-refereed IPAC paper (that will be published by default in the Conference JACoW) and a high quality PRAB paper. We see the introduction of refereed proceedings papers as an opportunity to publish papers that do not fulfil the acceptance criteria for journals, for example review papers, technical advancements without novel schemes, new working points for incremental performance improvements and similar topics.
The refereed IPAC proceeding papers will be reviewed by the members of the Scientific Advisory Board, Organising Committee and Scientific Programme Committee and by volunteers that will be selected by the Scientific Programme Committee.
Furthermore, the authors of a few papers presented at the conference, selected by the Scientific Programme Committee, will be invited to submit extended versions of their the conference papers for publication in a Special Edition offered by the online journal Physical Review Accelerators and Beams (PRAB) for the Eighth International Particle Accelerator Conference IPAC’17.
Three levels of publications will be therefore offered for the IPAC’17 conference:
- Publication of the conference proceedings at the JACoW website (all the accepted conference papers will be published here)
- Publication of the refereed IPAC proceedings papers as part of the Institute of Physics Journal of Physics: Conference Series on a first come, first served basis
- Publication in a Special Edition offered by the online journal Physical Review Accelerators and Beams (PRAB) for the Eighth International Particle Accelerator Conference IPAC’17 (authors of selected papers will be encouraged by the SPC)
Authors are encouraged to contact Juliana [dot] Pranke [at] esss [dot] se (Juliana Pranke) if they have particular questions regarding the IPAC’17 Publication policy and procedures.