All student grant applicants have been informed about the outcome of their application.
All students who had applied for a grant have been invited to participate in the Student Poster Session on Sunday, 14 May 2017, between 2 and 6 pm.
In the course of this session, several prizes will be awarded, namely:
- Best student posters, awarded by the EPS-AG to 2 students whose work, presented in the special session for students is particularly meritorious. Each winner will receive a cash prize of 500 Euros, presented during the Accelerator Prizes Special Session during IPAC’17 on Thursday afternoon. Pictures of the Award Ceremony on 18 May at Bella Center Copenhagen can be viewed here (Google Photos).
- An additional Industrial Committee Student Poster Award will be given to 2 students whose work, presented in the special session for students, most incorporates criteria relative or applicable to industry. Each winner will receive a cash prize of 500 Euros, to be presented during the Tuesday afternoon “Session on Industry” during IPAC’17.

The IPAC’17 Student Grant Programme is sponsored (in alphabetical order) by:
The American Physical Society Division of Physics of Beams APS-DB and the United States National Science Foundation (Plasma Physics and Accelerator Science) from the Americas, the Asian Committee for Future Accelerators (ACFA) with contributions from AS, IBS, IHEP, IMP, KAERI, KEK, KIRAMS, NSRRC, PAL, RIKEN Nishina, RIKEN Spring-8, SSRF from Asia, the European Physical Society Accelerator Group (EPS-AG) with contributions from ALBA, CEA Saclay, CERN, Cockroft Institute, DESY, Diamond, Elettra Synchrotron Trieste, ESRF, ESS, GANIL, GSI/FAIR, HZB, IN2P3, INFN, John Adams Institute, PSI, SOLEIL, STFC from Europe.