Exhibitor Booth Registration is closed; all booths have been sold. We are looking forward to welcoming you to Copenhagen soon!
Set-up and mounting/decoration of stands: The Exhibitors may build and arrange their stands on: Sunday 14 May 07:00 – 15:00 hrs.
All empties and tool boxes have to be removed from the aisles on Sunday at 15.00 – as cleaning of stands and aisles will start. For the same reason, exhibitors will be asked to leave the area at 15:00. You are welcome to return at 18:00.
The Exhibition Opening Hours:
Monday 15 May: 08:30 – 18:00
Tuesday 16 May: 08:30 – 18:00
Wednesday 17 May: 08:30 – 18:00

On behalf of the IPAC'17 Organising Committee, the Scientific Programme Committee and the Local Organising Committee, we would like to invite your company to the Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2017 May 14-19 for what will surely be a memorable 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference. Please save the date!
Southern Sweden and Denmark share a long history of cultural, economic as well as scientific exchange and both countries are co-sponsors of the European Spallation Source (ESS). As such, while this years' host facility ESS is located in Lund, Sweden, - a 40-minute bus tour away - Copenhagen was the logical venue for IPAC'17. Copenhagen is a vibrant, safe, and fun city with excellent logistics and is also home to a major International Airport connected to Bella Center by train or a mere 10-minute taxi ride.
As in the past, IPAC'17 will continue the traditional format of previous conferences that facilitates formal and informal interactions between accelerator scientists, engineers, students and industrial partners, encouraging the exchange of information and ideas across the broad spectrum of accelerator science and technology.
For 2017, we aim to strengthen value of the conference, the relevance of the industrial session, and create a strong interaction between industry and students:
- A centralized exhibitor hall with delegate flow-thru and an open-island layout will be arranged for more exposure and delegate interaction
- A heightened student outreach by industry throughout the conference will be organized
- A new Industry student prize during Sunday evenings Student Poster session is being considered
- An IPAC'17 Industrial Committee for planning feedback chaired by Bjarne Nielsen has been set-up to assist the Scientific Programme Committee in creating content for the industrial session and strengthen the relevance to the conference.
- On Tuesday afternoon a two hour session for Industry will be organized. This new timing will give Industry the opportunity to connect the event to Tuesday's evening reception, as well as provide an open exhibit hall Wednesday to follow-up with any leads.
In November, exhibitor booth selection will become available here, but we already welcome early-bird commitments to sponsoring specific opportunities and events within the conference. These are first-come, first-serve and we would like to encourage you to reach out soon. For more information on these or learning more about the Industrial Committee please feel free to contact IPAC'17 Industry Exhibition Advisor Robert Yarbray at ipac17_industry [at] esss [dot] se or +1-571-332-0337 (-5 hours GMT).
For suggestions of speakers for the Industry Session, again, please contact Robert Yarbray.
A Special Thank You to the hard work and many contributions brought forth by:
The IPAC’17 Industrial Committee
- Chairman Bjarne Roger Nielsen, PhD / Danfysik
- Peter Kolda / Communications & Power Industries, CPI
- Mark Plesko / Cosylab
- Jennifer Lewandowski / Ampegon
- Rob Edgecock / CERN
- Roger Eriksson / ESS
- Rob Yarbray / ESS
- Hans Peter Vogel / Research Instruments