A Travel Pass for less than 5€ per day will be available to all IPAC'17 delegates. To purchase your Pass, please click here.
The pass can be purchased for the days of the conference (plus 1 day in advance and after), but for a minimum of two days. As airport - city transportation is included, we recommend purchasing the pass prior to your arrival in Copenhagen. The pass is delivered as an SMS ticket or e-mail. You can then download it to your mobile phone, to show (offline) when requested. When using the Travel Pass the delegates must have their mobile phone (with the registered number) with them for any inspection.
Please note that even if you order the pass already now, it is normally delivered the night before the first valid date. If you for whatever reason do not receive the SMS, the e-mail receipt can be used instead together with the phone the SMS was supposed to be delivered to (turned on).
The Travel Pass Provider (DOT) can be reached on +45 70 15 7000 (press 4 for English). The website is http://dinoffentligetransport.dk/service/for-tourists. This is the website for all public transportation in Copenhagen.